Are you happy?

The other day a dear friend asked me that question. It made me pause and think. I do what I love. I’ve got what I need. My kids have grown up to be wonderful humans. This year we are celebrating our 32nd wedding anniversary. I’m at the age where I have paid my dues and this is my show and quite frankly, I will do what I please. So, if we are looking at the big picture yes, I guess I am. But – and this is important, at the very moment they asked I wasn’t.

The question came shortly after I received some unsolicited advice as to how I should run the paper. How and what I should write and whom I should interview. It was also the day I ran into a local political contender who
‘mansplained’ the process. Neither one of these brought me joy. Although, my mental response to both of these brought me loads.

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