Are you game?

Council and committee meetings are now on a hiatus until September 12 – unless there is an emergency over the summer that brings them back to the table. Then they return for a joint committee meeting on September 12 and sit down at the table for their final council meeting on September 19.

Does that mean they get an extended two-month holiday? Nope. Other than regular summer holiday like us regular folks, they should be available to serve their constituents. Actually, they should have more time to address your concerns during the summer. Makes sense, as many of their other community board and committee commitments are also on a summer break.

As a refresher, a councillor has three main roles to play in our municipality: a representative, a policy-maker, and a steward. Just because they aren’t meeting formally to consider and make decisions on local issues, they are still available to hear concerns and if needed, find answers.

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