January 11, 2023

The Orono Cemetery vandalism was reported to the municipality on Friday morning. Nine stones were toppled, but none were broken. “It’s unfortunate,” said Stephen Brake, Director of Public Works. “We’re in the process of having the repairs completed.” As of yesterday, it was reported by the municipality that all stones have been restored to their upright position. However, some costs for damages may be incurred, and the municipality has notified the Durham Municipal Insurance Pool.


Orono target for malicious mischief

It’s the destructive and senseless nature in people that is the frustrating part when vandalism strikes. During the evening hours of January 4, 5, 2023, persons unknown went into the Orono Crown Lands property to the shade shelter area where grey composite picnic tables are located. The suspects proceeded to flip all the tables upside down out of the shelter. On two of the tables, the bench seats were jumped on causing them to break the composite cross pieces.


Seriously, why?

Classic descriptors of a small village include: ‘Small, quaint . . . a close-knit community, a place where everyone knows everyone and trust is understood. So, when vandalism strikes, it hits hard.

If you haven’t heard – last Friday morning the vandalism at the Orono Crown Lands was discovered and also on Friday the vandalism in the Orono Cemetery was reported to the municipality.

The desecration of gravestones is a vial, stupid and a cowardly act. The monuments are very personal to the families. These are the names of the people, the generations, who are buried in Orono Cemetery, and they have a personal attachment to them, somebody has damaged that and been very disrespectful.


Remembering Ian Tyson

Something amazing happened in Crooked Creek back in the mid-1960’s. Ian and Sylvia Tyson, (who were famous!) bought the cattle farm right across the road from our farm! I’ll always remember the thrill of having these Canadian icons as neighbours. Sidenote: It was the farm where another local icon – Elva Reid – grew up.



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